Informative materials

Artists and clinicians have at their disposal very little educational material adapted to their peculiarities and needs. The Foundation team works to cover the holes in this field creating materials, in different formats, thus trying to create practical and immediately applicable material for artists. We also have published divulguing papers in various magazines like Doce Notas, En Concierto, Eufonía, Revista Musical Catalana, International Trumpet Guild Journal, El ball de nit and Clarinets.

Despite the fact here we show the most prominent material by the Foundation, you can also find and download most of this material on the website of the  Institut de l'Art-Medicina&Fisiologia.


App to prevent injuries

This app is available for Android devices (CatalanSpanish and  English), iPhone (CatalanSpanish and English) and iPad (CatalanSpanish and English).


Web about Musician's Focal Dystonia

The content is in Catalan, Spanish, English and Italian.

web distonia





 atono fcia 04

A tono. Ejercicios para mejorar el rendimiento del músico.

Jaume Rosset i Llobet; Sílvia Fàbregas i Molas.
Paidotribo. Barcelona, 2005.


 atono fcia 01

L'entraînement physique du musicien.

Jaume Rosset i Llobet; Sílvia Fàbregas i Molas.
Alexitère. Montauban, 2007.


 dystonia fcia 05

Musician's Dystonia.

A practical manual to understand and take care of the disorder that affect the ability to play music.

Jaume Rosset i Llobet; Sílvia Fàbregas i Molas.
Panamir. Rome, 2010.


 dystonia fcia 06

La dystonie du musicien.

Manuel pratique à l'usage des musiciens et de leurs thérapeutes.

Jaume Rosset Llobet; Sílvia Fàbregas Molas.
Alexitère. Montauban, 2013.


 dystonia fcia 02

Musician's Dystonia

Jaume Rosset Llobet; Sílvia Fàbregas Molas.
Amazon Japan. Japan, 2012.


 musician fcia 05

The Musician's Body.

A maintenance manual for peak performance.

Jaume Rosset i Llobet; George Odam.
Ashgate. London, 2007.


 musician fcia 02

El cuerpo del músico.

Manual de mantenimiento para un máximo rendimiento.

Jaume Rosset i Llobet; George Odam.
Paidotribo. Barcelona, 2010.


 musician fcia 13

Le corps du musicien.

Manuel de prévention pour une pratique optimale.

Jaume Rosset i Llobet; George Odam.
Alexitère. Montauban, 2009.


 musician fcia 11

音 楽 家 の 身 体 (か ら だ ) メ ン テ ナ ン ス BOOK

ジ ャ ウ マ ・ ル セ ッ ト ・ イ ・ ジ ュ ベ ッ ト


Fundació Ciència i Art

Contact us


Jaume Rosset

Foundation Director

Tel. +34 93 786 42 47

Terrassa, BCN

Ctra. de Montcada 668